Monday, April 2, 2007

Don't call her J-Lo, she's just a simple Latina

Jennifer Lopez recently told Britain's The Guardian newspaper: "I'm not J.Lo any more. That's all gone with all the ridiculous stories about tantrums and Egyptian sheets. That's all my past. I'm Jennifer Lopez. I think, as a woman, I've finally grown more sure of who I am. It does seem ironic that it has taken me more than a decade to basically get back to who I am. I am incredibly proud of my culture and I think I am a woman who is totally defined by my culture. My temperament, my body shape, the way I am is all very much Puerto Rican."

Hmmm, the timing of this is kinda suspicious.

Let's activate the Asshat Hollywood celeb quote translator: "Please un-ban me from the Spanish record stores--those are the only ones that are going to buy my new album because it's not in English!!! I'm Latina, look!!! Look at my ass!! I'm Jenny from the block! Just with mink eyelashes and a Bentley, but look at the ass!! The ass is still there. That's a Puerto Rican ass! I even married a Spanish guy! Actually I married two of them! Maybe three, wait, was Cris Judd part Latin? Um, I love tacos too! Oh and remember when I played Selena? El lapiz es rojo!! El lapiz es rojo!!"


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