Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Shut up Gwyneth!

God, does the gibberish ever stop flowing out of Gwyneth's mouth? She told Gayle King (Oprah's girlfriend) Sunday at the Oscars, "I've been at home being a housewife, which is amazing and I've loved every second of it." She also referred to her job as mother and wife as "definitely the hardest job." "It's 24 hours a days, seven days a week and they want you present and real and connected and there – but it's been the best three years of my life."

Give me a damn break! Like she's clipping coupons, eating Bon Bons, and watching Days of Our Lives! Hey Asshat, you cannot be a housewife when you are a millionaire and have nannies and housekeepers and private jets. It's so hard though! The kids actually want you to be present! Please, I'd love to see her on an episode of Trading Spouses. Have her switch with the God Warrior.


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