"I lost my credit cards that I had just gotten and I was learning responsibility and how to take care of it and I had no money and I really wanted to go shopping. So I played at Starbucks and I put my guitar (case) open - and I made $7, so I got me a Starbucks."
Hey Billy Ray, forget credit cards, y'all need to git her some schooling!
In other future member of Mensa news, Miley and her dad Billy Ray are working with authorities to investigate Ticketbastard and scalping laws after tickets to her concerts sold out in less than one minute and were found being resold by ticket brokers for as high as $2,500. Yeah. Apparently this girl is that popular. Ah, another reason I am so thankful I don't have children. Because if I had a daughter that idolized a dumbass like that, I'd probably end up going to jail for attempting to beat some sense into her.
For real.