Speaking of people the need to be spayed and neutered, have you heard about the Duggar family? These are the asshats in Arkansas that have 17 children aging in range from 9 months to 20 years, all with names beginning with the letter J (I guess they're trying to cover all the J names). Well guess what? Just in time for Mother's Day, baby number 18 is on the way!
The Duggars live in a 7,000-square-foot home. All the children are home-schooled and do chores to keep up with the growing family's needs. And of course, they are going to have a TV show. It will be on Discovery Health. Maybe instead of a TV show, they should consider getting a TV. With cable. A Flavor of Love marathon should be enough to stop the sperm parade.
So eighteen kids, that's gotta be enough right? (Hey, I just thought of a great name for their show!) Nope!! Not as long as God "wills it." Ok, can I just say right here that that kind of verbal diarrhea pisses the ever loving shed uterine lining out of me? God also wills murder, disease, war, and Heidi and Spencer---that doesn't mean that those are good things.
I'm not even trying to be funny, these people are fucking crazy. They are making their own little cult and those kids are all brainwashed. Check out their daily schedule on their website. Here's an example:
Say it with me folks: Creepy. Ass. Shit.
9:00p.m. is Bible time with Daddy. This is probably our favorite time of day. Daddy reads the Bible & we discuss the passage together. We talk about the day & bring out points of how to apply what we have learned. We enjoy making up skits & acting out examples of right responses & wrong responses. Often our little ones will fall asleep as Daddy begins Bible time, still they love to be with us at this special time. Bedtime is 10:00p.m.
I wonder what these little skits for Daddy Koresh are like, especially the "wrong responses."
But no, it's ok!! Let's reward this kind of shit and make this family into celebrities! Only in America.
I seriously need to stop thinking about this. What can I think about to cleanse my brain? Ok, so Britney calls K-Fed and is like "hey baby, I got some Frappuccino foam on my nipples...."