Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Of course they were crying, they found out she was doing another movie!

' Mariah Carey prompted tears on the set of her new movie Tennessee after performing a song she co-wrote with country legend Willie Nelson. The star, who plays an aspiring country singer in the film, unveiled track "Right To Dream" last week - and the film's director Aaron Woodley admits he was "moved" by the star's emotionally charged performance. He says, "People were weeping on the crew when she sang it. It's very moving, especially in the context of the film and her character." '

So she's going from playing an aspiring pop singer to an aspiring country singer? That's a stretch. They can call it Glitter Y'all.

For the record, I will admit Mariah was actually pretty good in Wisegirls (except for that annoying thing where she stuck out her pinky whenever she drank champagne.)

For the record, I will also admit that I teared up a little at the part in Glitter when Mariah and her soon-to-be-murdered boyfriend compose that song. Separately. In two totally different places. At the same time. Note for note. So moving.


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