Friday, March 14, 2008

Steve-O is insane

No, he really is. He was checked into a mental health hospital and placed on a 72-hour hold which his since been extended to 14 days.

Steve was arrested on March 3rd after a dispute with a neighbor. Soon after that, he taught the world to juggle on the video above. If that didn't set off enough alarms, Steve then emailed some of his friends suicide notes. In them, he blamed a broken relationship for the reason he wanted to end his life.

On Sunday his bodyguard and a woman friend brought him to the hospital, where an insider says he caused a major scene, "Steve started flipping out. He told doctors he wanted to hurt himself badly. He wanted to break every bone in his body one by one."

A source at the treatment facility told Star Magazine, "Steve is stabilized on meds at this point. He was also treated for burns on his skin as if he had been putting cigarettes out on his own body."

Today Steve posted the following message on his blog:

"You should all know I am in the looney bin. They call it "code 5150," that means psycho,legally, f*ckin bat-sh*t, certifiably. I'm outta my mind, believe-you-me. How'd I get this way? How can this be? It's gotten so bad there's nothing left of me."

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