Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Oh for the love of Margot Kidder!

The Psych Ward truly is the new rehab. First Brit, then Eva Mendes, then that guy from Grey's Anatomy, now fucking Suzanne Sugarbaker!

Delta Burke has checked herself into a psychiatric hospital for depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and "hoarding." Not to be confused with "whoring," hoarding is when people accumulate massive quantities of stuff and never throw anything away. Then they go out and keep buying more stuff even though they don't have anywhere to put it until their homes look like this:

Get it? If not, George Carlin explains it much better.

So anyway, Delta says she's been suffering from hoarding syndrome and now she's in the psych ward too.

Delta's suffering from wanting-to-get-her-name-in-the-headlines-itis. She doesn't need a stay in the looney-bin to cure that, all she needs is a good, stern, lengthy, no-nonsense speech from Dixie Carter followed by applause. That'll fix her in 23 minutes flat.


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