Monday, January 8, 2007

Slow News Day

Just in case you forgot about the Screech Dirty Sanchez video (as most of us have tried to), Dustin Diamond is here to remind you.

TMZ reports that ' Screech told "The Dr. Keith Ablow Show" that he tried to stop the tape, which shows him cavorting with two young women, and that it was a dare from some poker buddies.

However the tape's purveyor David Hans Schmidt, however, tells Rush & Molloy that the former Screech was "in on this deal from the start," and that he's not even sure that it's all Diamond – at least where it counts – in the video. "You never see his face and his [manhood] in the same shot," says Schmidt. '

I don't care if Screech's manhood rivals Tommy Lee's - no one wants to see that shit. And no one especially wants to see that shit covered in shit!

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