Thursday, January 11, 2007

K-Fed Wants 50 Mil

From Life&Style:
' The only way Britney Spears can guarantee she’ll keep custody of her sons, Sean Preston, 16 months, and Jayden James, 4 months, is to give in to Kevin Federline’s settlement demands.

Brit’s estranged hubby turned down a $10 million offer in December and is now asking for an astonishing $50 million — about one third of Brit’s net worth — to give up full custody of the kids.

“She’s been crying practically nonstop,” says a friend of Brit’s. '

Wow, he must really love his kids to not want to give them up for anything less than 50 million dollars. And Britney sure does look like she's broken up over it, making out with K. Fed 2.0 all over the place lately.

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