Monday, May 14, 2007

Who is the most pathetic here?

Britney for changing her son's diaper on the side of the road even though she knows damn well that there are tons of paparazzi that will try to get pictures of baby poo?

Her hangers-on that shield Sean Preston from the zoom lenses of the paparazzi hoping to score some baby poo?

The paparazzi that want that pictures of baby poo?

Whoever took this picture which is of the paparazzi trying to take pictures of baby poo?

Or Britney again. Just cause...

Tough call I know. Think about it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the most pathetic are the paps because, although I love reading dirt about stars, the children should off limits, I hope the magazines you work for stop paying you for children photos. you are a fungus that nobody cares about. I hope everything you do happens back to you ten fold and to your family...