Saturday, January 6, 2007

She was pissed she didn't get a free car

Those accident attorney commercials they show during daytime television seem to be doing their job. A woman has sued Oprah's Harpo Studios with the ol' slip and fall claim.

Tayna Milner was an audience member on an April taping of the Oprah Winfrey Show and claims she was thrown down a flight of stairs when guests were told they could seat themselves. (Some production assistant has a sick sense of humor--could you imagine being in the middle of that shit? It would be like the Running of the Bull or the midnight buffet on a Carnival cruise ship!) She is suing for over $50,000.

In the lawsuit Tayna claims she suffered
"sever [sic] and permanent injuries, " has not been able to attend to her "usual duties and affairs of life," and "will in the future continue to suffer pain and suffering and disability." Well damn, I sympathize with that! How can you operate a remote control and eat ice cream after you sever yourself! That's a lot of suffering to suffer! (Really though, if you're going to sue Oprah, you should really brush up on your English 101 first.)

Like Oprah gives a crap. $50,000 is like her annual dry-cleaning bill.


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