Monday, April 28, 2008

No more hot tranny?

Rebecca Romijn has told NY Post that her Ugly Betty character Alexis Meade, is being demoted to a recurring role.

"They made a tremendous amount of changes, especially with the writing staff [during the writer's strike] And while I know I'll be coming back next season, with all the changes, I'm not sure they can take care of my character they way they have been. So I'll be leaving, back in a recurring capacity, but time for me to leave and find something else."

New writers? Alexis leaving? Way to fuck up a good show! Why don't you just have Walter come back, Marc go straight, hook up Daniel and Betty, kill off Justin, pull a Chrissy Seaver on Bradford's sperm baby that Christina's carrying and have the kid age ten years in two episodes, and have Amanda get amnesia and think she's a nun. Actually the Amanda thing would be pretty funny.

Eh, with this news and with last week's episode, I'm getting nervous. I'm hearing the music: DA-DUM, DA-DUM, DA-DUM. N
o Fonzie, get off those waterskis!


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