Friday, July 20, 2007

Random acts of endorsed kindness

Hilary Swank is going to cut off all her hair and she's not doing it because she's batshit crazy, desperate for attention, or even for a movie roll! (see I just can't help it, sorry Britney!)

Nope, she's actually a spokesperson for the Pantene Beautiful Lengths Campaign and is having her hair made into a wig for a female cancer patient. She will also make Public Services Announcements that will air in the US and Canada, encouraging others to join her and donate their hair.

"It's wonderful to know that my hair is going to help someone feel better through the process of getting treatment. It's growing and hopefully I can get a little more length so I can get a nice ponytail to donate. I have lost multiple family members to cancer and witnessed their struggle first hand. I've never heard of anything quite like Pantene Beautiful Lengths
(um, Locks of Love?) , and I'm proud to be asked to promote the goals of such a unique and heartfelt program, " she said of the cause.

Hilary added: "I think having short hair is really fun and it looks like it may be the new look. So, it will, if anything, just make me hip. Finally a reason to be hip! "I just hope that my contribution will help to inspire others to get involved in whatever way they can."

I changed my mind, she must be crazy. Doesn't she know in Hollywood you're supposed to spend thousands to add more hair to your head, not cut if off and ewww: give it to charity!? What a stupid and selfless thing to do!

I'm kidding of course, you rock Hilary!


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