Friday, June 27, 2008

What is wrong with the jidges!

I just want to bitch about So You Think You Can Dance for a minute. Why the hell wasn't Comfort eliminated last night? They got rid of Chelsea, who is much better and they didn't even tell her why!

Comfort must have some good dirt on Nigel, that's the only thing that could explain why she wasn't cut after week one! All the girl can do is one hip hop routine over and over.

I'm really pissed off about this.

Here's Comfort's performance from this week, I'm only posting it because I never thought I'd see the day that a Marilyn Manson song would be used on So You Think You Can Dance and I find it pretty hysterical and awesome. I hope on next week's show there's a Mia Michaels contemporary routine to Slayer's "Dead Skin Masks". They even say
"Dance with the dead in my dreams" in the song---they could do the flower petal thing again!

And since I'm posting clips of SYTYCD, here's my favorite routine from last week, Chelsea (different Chelsea--all the girls are named Chelsea and Courtney this season) and Mark's hip hop routine to "Bleeding Love." It's worth watching even if you swore you'd jam pencils in your ears if you heard that damn song one more time:

Oh yeah, and I'm still pissed off about Comfort.

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