Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Days of Our Britney

So by now, I'm sure everyone's caught up in the latest chapter of the Britney saga. She got out of the hospital, but not before Dr. Phil decided to take it upon his douchey self to pay her a visit to try to cash in on the hoopla and stick his douchyass nose in Brit's biz. She reportedly had enough and walked out of the room on him. (Maybe she does have an ounce of sanity left!)

Then the reports from Britney's drug test came out and she was....CLEAN? Not only clean, but "as clean as clean can be." (I think they meant "as clean as clean can be....
for Britney.") Anyway, the general consensus seems to be that it is undiagnosed mental illness (specifically bipolar disorder) and not drugs that is responsible for Britney's behavior.

Next up for Brit, a new boyfriend!! Just what she needs!! The "lucky" guy this time is a member of the paparazzi (Aww, the hunter dating the huntee--just like Buffy and Angel!) His name is Adnan Ghalib and kinda looks like Osama Bin Laden. Hot!! That's him sucking her lollipop below.

To top it all off, poor Britney got a flat tire on her way home from a drug store (drugs which she is not taking!!) last night.

She didn't realize it at first and continued to drive on the flat for a few miles without her lights on. She even passed by a gas station and didn't stop.

She finally pulled over and police allowed her to leave her Mercedes on the side of the road. Then Brit hitched a ride with one of the paps who had been following her.

Ok, so the cops didn't ask her why she drove on the flat without her lights and they didn't search her car? Hello? She lost her visitation rights to her children, maybe they should have taken her license away too.


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