Monday, December 3, 2007

Asshat of the Week!!

Yeah, it's only Monday so I know I'm already counting my asshats before they hatch, but anytime anyone uses the "Do you know who I am?" line, they get an automatic pass without passing Go and collecting $200.

Montel Williams didn't just say this, but also added on a personal threat last Friday to a HIGH SCHOOL student in Savannah, GA. He was there to promote a program giving free prescriptions to low-income people. A local high-school student named Courtney Scott was an intern at the Savannah Morning-News and asked Montel, "Do you think pharmaceutical companies would be discouraged from research and development if their profits were restricted?"

Montel angrily responded with "I'm trying to figure out exactly why you are here and what the interview is about. I'm here as a patient advocate talking about the fact that medications available today are saving people's lives, that's what's saving mine and after that, this interview is done."

Later that day, the reporters returned to the hotel for an unrelated story and Montel got in Courtney's face, pointed his finger at her and yelled: "Don't look at me like that. Do you know who I am? I'm a big star, and I can look you up, find where you live and blow you up."

Montel later tried to save face by apologizing and claiming it was a misunderstanding on his part because he thought they were at the hotel to confront him about his earlier dumbass comments.

Nice try Montel, but it's too late. We have taken a sample of your DNA and the test results confirm that you...


Indeed an asshat!


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