Monday, November 10, 2008

Great Moments in Axl History : 15 -13

#15: Evict Axl

WTF? Ok, who remembers this contest on MTV because for some reason, I have no recollection of it and that is troubling me. It's not everyday our leader's aura is up for grabs. (I am very sorry oh Sweet Savior O' Ours, please accept my penance of 15 lashings with a wet bandanna.)

Axl's pretty funny and adorable in this clip.

I wonder if it's too late to enter. I think everybody who reads this should send in an entry today. That means MTV would receive about 6 entries for a sixteen year old contest, but it would still be pretty damn funny!

Now British Knight sneakers I do remember! They weren't as cool as LA Gear though (remember those awesome tricked out laces?!) Anyway, if you are wondering whatever happened to those here's some trivia from Wikipedia:
In the early 1990s the Crips street gang wore the shoes and took the "BK" logo to indicate "Blood Killer," in reference to the rival gang. The rumors are reported to have contributed to the decline in popularity of the brand as schools and universities moved to ban the wearing of the footwear in an attempt to curb gang-related violence
Now we know.

#14- The Snake Dance

All great entertainers have their own signature move. There was Elvis and his hip swinging, Michael Jackson and the moonwalk (and later: the crotchgrab), and Madonna has that thing where she humps everything (I apologize for the extreme close-up in the video I posted the other day of her and Britney and for any nightmares that may have resulted). And Axl has the snake dance. Not that a demonstration is required, but here's the Sweet Child video as it is truly the best recorded display.

No one is sure of the origins of the snake dance. Some historians argue an itch, others, a wedgie. There's even a rumor that Axl ripped off the move from Davy Jones (1:14) :

This guy also claims to be the originator:

But one thing's for sure, he has inspired generations of disciples:

#13: Axl's commercial (before he threatened to kick their bitchy little asses)

Ok, first the Evict Axl thing and now this? I'm loving these rare and bizarre-ass gems I'm finding today. It's like Nov. 23rd early!

So back in the days before the interwebs, if you wanted to learn about stuff, you'd read these things called magazines. I guess there was a lot of competition between the metal mags, because one of them, RIP, actually had a tv advertisement to try to get the fuckin' kids to pay their hard earned money to read about the bands they wanna know about.

And guess who it starred?

How randomly awesome is that? I seriously watched it like ten times! What good little product shillers those guys were! Well, actually Slash didn't realize he was shooting a commercial. He was just on the phone with his dealer and the RIP guy said
"Dude read this real quick!" Unfortunately, it took forty-eight takes and two bottles of Jack Daniels before the guy was like, "Ok, that's going to have to do!" and turned off his VHS camcorder. My favorite part is the end where's he goes "Don't be stupid!" Of course, our leader was professional as ever, until the end when he gets pissed at Slash because Slash forgot to order his chow mein.

And yeah, they did say "an advice column by Lita Ford's MOM!"


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